Consumer Goods

Sweden leading the transition to sustainable consumerism

The future, now

Food, clothing, furniture, art, music, and design have always been at the heart of society, shaping how we understand ourselves and the world around us. The consumption and production of lifestyle products is a key economic driver, but innovation is needed to deliver sustainable production and value chains.

Swedish companies and consumers are known as tech-savvy, curious, and willing to test and spend money on new and sustainably produced products. This has created a dynamic environment for innovations in the creative industry spectrum, specifically in food, AgTech, materials, packaging, design, business models, recycling, and manufacturing that can be scaled up globally.

Business Sweden is a critical link between Swedish start-ups, scale-ups, and SMEs and the wider global business and investment ecosystem. Utilising industry knowledge, 利益相关者与创新中心的关系, 获得公共和私人投资, we attract investment into Sweden and support Swedish companies deliver sustainable solutions at scale.

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Conscious consumer

The end-to-end lifecycle of the products we consume is under extreme scrutiny and developing circular production and consumption chains is the key to long-term sustainable consumption. Sweden is building on an impressive history of using natural materials, localised supply chains, and commercially viable circular business models across sectors including tourism and eCommerce.

Try Swedish

Swedish food and beverages are playing a critical role in providing alternatives to traditional protein and dairy products which are becomingly increasingly popular on the global stage. Innovative brands are responding to consumer demand for products that are both tasty but also ethically sourced and good for the planet.

Circular food production

The Swedish food industry is playing a pivotal role in the global race to identify new proteins and sustainable food production methods that can facilitate regionalised food production chains. 拥有强大的食品和农业科技产业, advanced digital infrastructure, and safe and trusted practices, Sweden is emerging as a sustainable food pioneer nation.

320 billion SEK is the value of Sweden’s fashion industry
60000 在家具行业工作的人
11% 日博备用网站的GDP是由零售额得出的
3rd 日博备用网站最大的工业是食品

What are the latest trends in aquaculture, new proteins, smart textiles, and AgTech? Our latest report, Creating a green future, looks into key trends, the global outlook and what Sweden and Swedish companies are doing to influence production and consumer behaviours

Join Sweden and create a future of sustainable lifestyle

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Head of Consumer Goods Email

Conscious consumer

Invest in Sweden
Retail Guide Sweden 2020/2021

Sweden is a nation of high-income earners who spend a large share of their income on retail and food. This report explores the retail potential in the Swedish market and the consumer trends that are driving consumption in the largest Nordic market.

Grow Global Sales
Swedish eCommerce Academy

eCommerce has changed the retail landscape beyond recognition, and Sweden has played a key role in development and growth that meets the needs of consuemrs and businesses. The Swedish eCommerce Academy supports small and medium sized companies realise their growth ambitions.

Latest trends
Sustainable Lifestyle: Swedish products and solutions driving conscious consumerism

Want to know sustainable lifestyle trends are shaping the future of production and consumption? Program Manger Kristina Kockum discusses how consumer demand and innovation are influencing how products are produced and consumed.

Try Swedish

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Grow Global Sales
Try Swedish take Swedish food and drinks to the world

For Swedish companies looking to make it big in the competitive global food and beverage market, having a reliable partner to help deliver on ambitions is key. Try Swedish works with Swedish companies and distributors in key markets to put the best of Swedish edibles on global plates.

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Grow Global Sales
Nicks enjoy the sweet taste of success in the US

When Swedish gamechangers Nick’s wanted to take their innovative sugar-free chocolates, candy, and ice cream to one of the biggest retail markets in the world, they looked to Try Swedish to help them connect with distributors to shorten time to market.

Circular food production

Grow Global Sales

Breaking into one of the biggest markets in the world is never going to be easy, but Saturnus didn’t let the challenge of selling in China stop them. Their existing relationship with Ikea meant they had a retail outlet ready to sell their products, but a finding an importer needed a bit more help.

Grow Global Sales

Changes in consumer trends in the USA are driving a demand for healthier snacks and new flavours, an area where Swedish food and beverage companies have great products in. But what are the realities and opportunities in the land of the slurpee?

Why Sweden?

- Consumers are willing and able to spend money on quality products and services, with a particular focus on design, function, and sustainability

- Swedish consumers are trend-sensitive early adopters who seek out and buy products, services and brands that are unique or new to the market

- Household spend on food and retail is high with up to 40% of disposable income spent on these items

Why go global?

- Sweden’s reputation for quality, sustainability, and cultural innovation is recognised globally and is growing stronger as consumers seek planet-friendly alternatives

- Swedish brands are known globally for solutions and products that meet the demand for alternatives to traditional manufacturing and production processes

——日博备用网站日博备用网站是开放透明的, and actively supports circular business models to deliver ethical and sustainable solutions


Invest in Sweden
Market Expansion
Sales Acceleration
Are you ready to jumpstart your Sustainable Lifestyle journey?

Our teams in Sweden and around the world can support your investment and growth ambitions. Connect with us to accelerate your global sales or to invest in Sweden's innovative and world leading Sustainable Lifestyle industry.